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Life after receiving a hair transplant is like the ride of your life. It's an exhilarating journey that will keep you on your toes and make you feel happier than ever before. Your head will be filled with new possibilities, and there are plenty of things to do in this newfound freedom. Hair transplants can help those who suffer from hair loss caused by various conditions such as alopecia or chemotherapy treatment for cancer patients. You'll notice that people start responding differently to you; they'll see how confident you've become and may even want to get their own hair transplant procedure done! A lot of people think about getting a hair transplant because they're struggling with balding, but it's important for them to know all the possible risks.
The total cost of getting a hair transplant can vary depending on which doctor you go to, how many grafts you get, and if you decide to also get other treatments such as laser therapy or follicular unit extraction. The average cost ranges from $4,000 - $7,000 but it can go up to $10,000 or more if additional procedures are done at the same time. Costs may also vary depending on where in the country your doctor resides.
We at Orchidia Pharmacy want you to know what will happen after your procedure so you can prepare accordingly. The day after your surgery, we recommend staying out of the sun for 24 hours to avoid damaging any transplanted hairs. You may notice some swelling around the donor area which should go down within two days; this is normal and temporary discomfort that will subside in time as well.
It is important to know how often you should wash your hair and what products to use after hair transplant. Washing your head too often can dry it out and make it brittle. Try to only wash your head two times a week with shampoo and conditioner. If you need to get rid of oil buildup, try using an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse after every wash. After shampooing, mix 1 part ACV with 2 parts water in a spray bottle. Spritz the mixture onto the roots of wet hair before combing through for best results,
A wide-tooth comb is a must-have for anyone who has just undergone hair transplant surgery. After the surgery, your new hairline will be fragile and susceptible to breakage. If you use a fine-tooth comb when brushing your newly transplanted hairs, it can cause them to snap off at the root and result in bald patches.
If you've recently sheared your locks, it can be difficult to find the right style. It's not easy to make the transition from long hairs to short hair. But once you learn how to do it, styling becomes an art form! I'll share with you my top six tips for styling your new haircut.
If you have a procedure done to remove hair from your head, it is normal for some bald spots to be created. There are ways to cover up these bald patches so that they can look as natural as possible and not draw attention away from the other parts of the head. Below are three different options on how you can cover up any bald patches that may have been left during an eyebrow or hair removal procedure.
As a hair transplant patient, you will want to know what to expect after the procedure and how often it should be washed. It is also important that you use a wide-tooth comb when brushing your new hairline as this can help prevent bumps on the scalp. If there are any bald spots created during the haircut or if your head shape has changed, make sure to cover them up with either hairstyles or hats. Read more about life after receiving a hair transplant here!